Miers Withdraws
Well, of course she does. Gee, and on the same day that the White House has long expected indictments to be handed down Come on, she was never -- ever -- going to be a Supreme Court Justice. One has to wonder if her nomination wasn't always a stalling maneuver anyway, so that Mr. Bush could come back strong in the wake of whatever comes down from the grand jury. And a ballsy maneuver at that: pure Rove. Who would seriously believe that at this moment in time, in your second term, with a new and clone-grown ultra conservative Chief Justice safely ensconced and control of both houses beginning to slip, that this administration wouldn't follow through with the perfect trifecta? No one. "I know her heart"? Come on, Mr. Bush -- you've known her heart so well all this time and yet you never saw fit to appoint her to the Appellate Court or a District bench? With pay back due to the right, the ultra right, Big Energy, Big Corporate and Big Pharma, and nothing standing in your way, you're going to give them this little shriveled gem of a loyal house counsel? Give us a break.
She disqualified herself in about eight different ways when she called you "the most brilliant man" she'd ever met. With your administration in jeopardy, indictments printing, endless war in the news and the economy in the shitter, you'd be wise to keep her around if you trust her so much as your lawyer, but you couldn't possibly have had any expectation that she would be confirmed.
She's been a stall. The other shoe has yet to drop.
She disqualified herself in about eight different ways when she called you "the most brilliant man" she'd ever met. With your administration in jeopardy, indictments printing, endless war in the news and the economy in the shitter, you'd be wise to keep her around if you trust her so much as your lawyer, but you couldn't possibly have had any expectation that she would be confirmed.
She's been a stall. The other shoe has yet to drop.