Flowers of Democracy
According to the World Bank, drugs are now the staple of Afghanistan's economy, locking the country in a cycle of poverty and violence and leaving a minority of the population with the bulk of the wealth. So: we start the war on drugs, we lose the war on drugs, but in the final throws we send Colin Powell to Afghanistan with $23m cash to bribe the Taliban to stop making opium. They take the money, they grow the poppies, they blow up some statues and they take in bin Laden, who blows up the world trade center. We launch the war on terror, which we appear to be losing, and the Afghans are growing poppies again. WOD for WOT, back to WOD. WTF? Oh, and by the way, there are nukes E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E, thank you Pakistan. You feel safer?