Chick or Dude
Years ago during Gulf War I, I had the singular privilege of meeting the First Couple, George H.W. and Barbara Bush. That evening I realized with absolute clarity something that has disturbed me ever since: Barbara Bush is in fact J. Edgar Hoover. Think about it. The same political drive, the ultra-right moral perspective, a shared penchant for pearls and oversized floral muumuu's, and each is renowned for living in a cloud of secrecy while wielding an iron fist in behind-the-scenes manipulation. One might scoff, oh yes. But if I'm right, J. Edgar Hoover may well have controlled the White House for 12 years during reigns of Reagan and G.H.W. Bush, and he's back.
So I ask you: Chick, or Dude?
So I ask you: Chick, or Dude?