
What's That Glow

In a minor faux pas which barely made the press, Cheney underwriter and war profiteer Halliburton failed to report having lost a shipment of radioactive isotope for a couple of months, somewhere in the US. Overdue in Houston, it was found in Boston.

Lost Halliburton Nuclear Material Found

But fear not -- they are professionals, with a track record of chasing lost radioactive material. The same thing happened two years ago, also escaping significant public attention. That time it went unreported for four months, according to the March 6, 2003 edition of the Houston Business Journal:

Halliburton says radioactive material was stolen

"Halliburton: We Take Potatoes to Really Dangerous Places"

Dead Ringer

Could Rove not find a more wholesome, less inept shill? You could out this guy with a feather duster. Whatever happened to the days of "Deep Throat"? The guy registered gay porn sites and escort services under his own blessed name but used an pseudonym to gain access to the White House. Now he says his Christian faith has enabled him to receive forgiveness for the sins of his past. Something akin to a Presidential Pardon? Maybe there's hope for these idiots yet.

Loose 'Gannon': White House Reporter Is Really James D. Guckert

Interesting perspective; a compiled timeline surrounding James Guckert and the Valerie Plame leak:

Plame Leak Timeline II