"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers,"
Oh, listen to this fat bastard.
The hubris, the twisted arrogance. The proprietorship of 9/11.
What must it be like to be nicknamed "Turd Blossom" by the President himself; the vicious & half retarded neocon sock puppet you yourself created from whole cloth. How much must it SUCK to be so disrespected; always the bridesmaid, never the bride, and bitch slapped to boot.
"We...conservatives prepared for war,"? Really? Gee, Karl -- I didn't see you at small arms training. And what's this 'we', Brother? There's no 'we' in fascist. Let's be honest. You and the Junta were preparing for war from Day #1, and were just shocked by the invitation.
Linguist George Lakoff tells us that for every image, there's an implied anti-image wherein lies the message. Rove is baiting somebody, and blatantly so. He refers to the 'Liberals' in great disdain, predictably driving democrats to their feet in defensive posture. He uses 'Liberal' like a slur, and democrats rush to be so slandered. Just when the 'left' was winning back proper usage of the tag, Rove supercharges the word with hate. Just when moderate dems were began to think they might in fact be liberal, it is reduced again to a four letter word. And once again, the dems will expend vital energy to keep the slight in the news for weeks, doing Turd Blossom's job as he recedes again to the shadows. He never said 'Democrats', he said 'liberals'.
Rove doesn't make mistakes, and he doesn't miscalculate. He has no fear of law, decency or repercussions, because he knows he's right. He's sure he's right, he's sure he's smarter, and he knows with certainty that the rest of human kind is slow, stupid, and beyond repugnance.
Significantly, he has rarely speaks in public, and on first blush one might assume this instance like others was designed to piss somebody off and distract from something more important. Perhaps the Downing Street Memo, or the loss of 25,000 jobs at GM; could be Ted Kennedy asking Rumsfeld to resign, John Conyers kicking around 'impeachment' all week. Poll numbers, torture pictures, major economic doldrums, or the slow rolling thunder of the American Press finally picking up the Memo That Wouldn't Go Away.
But read the whole speech.
Remarks of Karl Rove at the New York Conservative Party
Karl the Kingmaker is Big Evil.
Oh, listen to this fat bastard.
The hubris, the twisted arrogance. The proprietorship of 9/11.
What must it be like to be nicknamed "Turd Blossom" by the President himself; the vicious & half retarded neocon sock puppet you yourself created from whole cloth. How much must it SUCK to be so disrespected; always the bridesmaid, never the bride, and bitch slapped to boot.
"We...conservatives prepared for war,"? Really? Gee, Karl -- I didn't see you at small arms training. And what's this 'we', Brother? There's no 'we' in fascist. Let's be honest. You and the Junta were preparing for war from Day #1, and were just shocked by the invitation.
Linguist George Lakoff tells us that for every image, there's an implied anti-image wherein lies the message. Rove is baiting somebody, and blatantly so. He refers to the 'Liberals' in great disdain, predictably driving democrats to their feet in defensive posture. He uses 'Liberal' like a slur, and democrats rush to be so slandered. Just when the 'left' was winning back proper usage of the tag, Rove supercharges the word with hate. Just when moderate dems were began to think they might in fact be liberal, it is reduced again to a four letter word. And once again, the dems will expend vital energy to keep the slight in the news for weeks, doing Turd Blossom's job as he recedes again to the shadows. He never said 'Democrats', he said 'liberals'.
Rove doesn't make mistakes, and he doesn't miscalculate. He has no fear of law, decency or repercussions, because he knows he's right. He's sure he's right, he's sure he's smarter, and he knows with certainty that the rest of human kind is slow, stupid, and beyond repugnance.
Significantly, he has rarely speaks in public, and on first blush one might assume this instance like others was designed to piss somebody off and distract from something more important. Perhaps the Downing Street Memo, or the loss of 25,000 jobs at GM; could be Ted Kennedy asking Rumsfeld to resign, John Conyers kicking around 'impeachment' all week. Poll numbers, torture pictures, major economic doldrums, or the slow rolling thunder of the American Press finally picking up the Memo That Wouldn't Go Away.
But read the whole speech.
Remarks of Karl Rove at the New York Conservative Party
Karl the Kingmaker is Big Evil.