
Let Them Eat

There are some families who should be encouraged never to speak in public. I think you know who I'm talkin' about.

Faced with another horrific disaster, George W. Bush decided once again to bring someone Presidential to bear; namely, his Dad and Bill Clinton. And with them on Monday came their former first wives, and -- true to form -- Barbara Bush made another gross faux pas right out of the gate. Down to the Astrodome, to comfort the refugees, she just couldn't help herself. Of course it was a slip of the tongue; of course she's just mortified now. But it's not funny anymore and it's too goddamned late. This isn't a case of adding a syllable or 'misunderestimating' her grasp on the english language, and she's not addled. These are the kind of errors which betray deep running currents of century old insensitivities. This woman is not of our world. In case you missed it:

"Almost everyone I’ve talked to wants to move to Houston. What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this (chuckle), this is working very well for them,"-- Mrs. Bush

This from a woman who knows a bit about privilege. And what exactly is the US-RDA for privilege, Ma'am? Spelled a little bit like Private /Ivy League; rolls off the tongue, past the silver spoon. Well, fear not, Babs. Hours later the Governor of Texas declared a health emergency, demanded massive federal funds and requested that his invited 'guests' of some 20 hours leave the state. All 75,000 of them. I'd like to see a chart of all the money that will flow into Texas on account of this disaster in Mississippi and Louisiana.

Nixon admired Barbara Bush, because in his words, "She knows how to hate." And Dick knew a thing or two about hate. Dick knew he had it. The thing with Barbara is that she doesn't know. She doesn't know she's racist; she doesn't know she's classist; she doesn't know that her values, imbued in her son, have caused tens of thousands of deaths and the unraveling of nations. Clearly, she imagines herself the kindly old woman on the hill, and clearly, these unfortunates are exactly as she has always pictured them from above. Mainly, black.

What do you see, Barbara? Single mothers? Welfare cheats? Crack Babies? Men with no jobs and untucked shirts? Prostitutes? Criminals? The uninsured? Everything your menfolk warned you about on the other side of the tracks. Lack of family values.

Fuck you, Mrs. Bush. Just, please -- shut up.


Blogger Coloratura said...

oh yeah... what a piece of work that family is...

11:14 PM  

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