
Soylent Bean is Starbucks!

Riot police were called in to protect Starbucks locations throughout midtown Manhattan during the Republican National Convention, for fear that protesters would associate big corporate greed and no-ethics-having Starbucks with the party that just doesn't care. Faced with such an image, one has to ask who paid for all these overtime cops to stand two ranks deep around one company's franchises all week, while nobody appeared to protect Dunkin' Donuts.


Blogger ChuckyLuv said...

Oh don't get me started on how lame Starbucks is. Let's set aside the aggressive tactics and homogenization of towns for a moment. Once they were a high end shop with expert baristas creating wonderful drinks from properly roasted high quality beans. Now they've automated their machines and taken any semblance of art out of the process. Yeah they can make a drink that beats folgers from a bag but they suck. No matter what you order, all end up with is a latte. I order cappucinos just for a laugh & I get a latte. I should ask for a ristretto pour and watch their heads explode. Meanwhile MY cafe is getting more badass every day. I have some new Bolivian "cup of excellence" beans from www.Stumptownroasters.com that I'll be enjoying tomorrow. Those guys ... I toast a double macchiato to them. Hallelujah.

10:20 PM  
Blogger ChuckyLuv said...

Oh, and one more thing... a truly great cafe knows how to properly texture milk as it's called. When you get a drink where you can't see the bubbles because the microfoam is so small and tight, the drink tastes much sweeter and better. It's a velvety decadent experience. When someone totally butchers a drink with bad frothing technique they create what is called "dishsoap". Starbucks ALWAYS creates dishsoap. Beyond the failure to even care, it's an inferior drink.

10:23 PM  

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