

Another proud moment for the Department of Justice. Alberto Gonzales has been sworn in as Attorney General of the United States, mere hours after approval by the Senate. Welcome, Alberto. Torturing bastard.

Gonzales sworn in as US attorney general

AG the AG. You gotta love the approval process. Championed by the President of the United States for arguably the most important role-model-for-justice job during this time of 'troubles', the guy has had exactly one client for the last four years (the President) and we are not allowed (by the President) to see anything the candidate has written during that time, save the one now-infamous 'torture' memo which alone should have seen him disbarred months ago. That's not much of a resume. You can't get hired at a Walmart with a hole in your career like that. "Whatcha been doing since high school?"..."Nothin. Can't tell you."

Gonzales vows to follow law

Well, that's reassuring, for an Attorney General. The key lies in interpreting the law until it fits your needs. Gonzales concluded that 'torture' refers only to severe pain "equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function or even death." What kind of shit is that?

Look, it's simple. Either you believe in human rights or you don't. Our own Declaration of Independance established at it's foundation certain 'inherent and inalienable rights' and equal treatment for all mankind. Didn't say squat about Yale and Harvard. You declare that you can beat, shock and rape these guys because they weren't wearing a uniform? They weren't wearing fucking shoes, you moron. We went to their yard, and they threw rocks.

Gonzales asks, what about September 11th? 2,752 people killed! Yes. And they were murdered. But that isn't this. We had a chance to be better than that, and we failed.

We can't find a guy with clean hands? This is important.


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